
It’s nice to wake up in Ryde. The weather warning, that I mentioned yesterday, remains in place for the weekend but I am not sure you could tell today.  I had the weekly call with the product and architects team that’s a mix of getting active work done and a Friday social.  Some weeks it is more productive than others but it keeps the us bonded.  This week was a decent mix. The 1:1 with my previous boss still pops up every Friday at 2pm and I am not sure why I haven’t cancelled it but, I supposed, it blocks off an hour at the end of my week, which is nice. Fridays are not really that busy as the Israeli development team aren’t working so there’s not much backwards-and-forwards.

In the evening we decided to take a long route round to the Co-Op where we picked up some things for dinner.  We wandered along the esplanade by the water front and crossed the bridge from the Hovercraft landing area,  From the top of the bridge there’s a lovely view of the new bus station or, as it’s called, Ryde Transport Interchange. I guess there are not many places where you can swap between a train, a bus or a FastCat ferry. And there are probably no others that include a Hovercraft in the mix.  It all looks very nice but there is still some work at the far end to be completed.  It’s odd to me that the traffic lights that control the bus exit in the middle of the picture, for busses heading up George Street, have their pedestrian lights set to red a lot of the time.  Given the low levels of traffic I would have assumed they would be green most of the time. Maybe I didn’t clock it properly.  Next time we are here I must look out.

(Here's an earlier view from March to see how much progress has been made).

That picture became the first proper thing I posted on Instagram’s new Threads app. I don’t really want another social media platform but I thought a positive message is in keeping with the more pleasant atmosphere that seems to have emerged.

"In spite of the rain clouds, the new Ryde Transport Interchange looks impressive from the Hovertravel footbridge. On the right hand side of the picture, The Island Line is now running back to the pier head."

A quiet evening.

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