
By DJsDailyDose

Pets have come home..

After a very long day yesterday travelling home and straight back to work today, needless to say I’m exhausted. Note to self: take an extra day off work after travelling next time!

Our pup has been delivered home after being looked after by a friend and I’ve collected little tortoise after her week away too. Tonight will be mostly washing and resting and getting an early night.

During my week away a friend challenged me to write a poem… so on the final leg of the journey home I wrote this… which he really liked.. a reminder for us all to reflect and take note of the important things in life…

What if tomorrow never comes?

What if tomorrow never comes?
Would you have laughed enough laughs;
The laughs that made you cry and filled your whole body with intoxicating joy?
Or could you have laughed some more?

Would you have felt the joys and sorrows of enough hugs?
The hugs when you allowed your soul to feel the love seeping into you from the soul you embraced;
Or could you have hugged some more?

Could you remember your very last meal? The tastes, the textures, the aromas;
The pleasurable feeling of satiety having had your fill?
Or did it pass you by too easily, as you didn’t notice?

Would you have had enough fun?
Or did you go through life being too serious?
Pondering the what ifs of things that never happened?

Did you have a bucket list of things you didn’t get to do,
Prioritising other things considered more important;
That really weren’t.

Would you loved enough? And did you allow yourself to be loved?
Or was there an invisible barrier around you? A fear of giving yourself, letting people in…

And what if tomorrow comes?
You can laugh big belly laughs;
You can hug with your soul;
You can Saviour every morsel.

If tomorrow comes,
You can have fun; do something you have always wanted to do;
You can love;
You can be loved.

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