Sausage, courgette and lemon pasta

A recipe from the Tesco magazine that I spotted earlier in the summer. It was delicious - particularly as I had used sausages with lots of fennel seeds.

Turned into a day of chores… not very exciting but productive. A phone call from the hospital this morning (mid qigong class) asked whether a home visit would be convenient tomorrow afternoon. I don’t think they were expecting the answer to be “no”! I am working tomorrow, and Wednesday is my usual office day. I didn’t know anything about this as we haven’t had the initial meeting with the social worker about discharge planning yet. Apparently looking at adaptation to the house to support J’s mobility, so I’m very happy to have a visit (just not then!).

J is obviously very young to be living with dementia, and he is more than a decade older than me, but some of the professionals seem really shocked when I tell them I have to go to work. I have dropped my hours, but I need to keep working (both financially and for my own independence and mental health).

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