Summer Holiday Day 5: Treaddur Bay, Anglesey

Here is the transcript from a family voice recording of us discussing Day 5 a couple of days later:

Okay, this is summer holiday 2023, day 5.
And it's the end of the next and now it's...
Now we're waking up in...
So day 5...
In the bungalow on Anglesey.
We had breakfast at the table.
It's day 6 right now.
It's day 5 right now.
It's day 7.
It's day 6.
But we're talking about day 5.
So this is the only place where we stayed two nights.
So we had quite a leisurely breakfast.
Yes, every other day had been like packing up and getting...
Out by 10.
Out by 10 o'clock.
Which has actually helped you to do stuff.
We had a breakfast and we had jamal toast.
Jamal toast, yeah.
What were you eating?
Bacon and eggs.
Well, yeah, but I had jamal toast.
Did you have an egg?
I did have an egg, but then I had jamal toast.
Yeah, we had bacon and eggs.
And we went for a drive around Anglesey.
We went to...
I don't even remember the place now.
But it was up on the north coast of Anglesey.
And we went on a coastal walk.
Yeah, but we were going to go on a coastal walk,
which was about 40 minutes along the coast and then back again.
But we actually only walked for about 20 minutes.
And it was getting quite cool.
So obviously I'm with Conor.
So Weedle had a big breakfast.
Oh, yeah, it was called Triath Unis e Fiddlin.
But the beach was called Church Cove, I think.
Church Bay.
Anyway, Weedle had this big breakfast,
and Conor had only had half a slice of toast.
So he was really hungry, and he wanted his lunch.
And then he spotted this really nice little area,
and he was like, what about there?
So we went and sat there so that he could have a snack initially.
But we were just kind of sitting, watching people paddle boarding from the beach,
and watching birds, and looking over at Holyhead.
Yeah, two giant ferries docked in Holyhead.
And then in the end we did have our lunch there,
and we didn't do the rest of the coastal walk,
because we decided to change our itinerary.
So we walked back to the car,
and then we went to the lighthouse.
Yes, we went to this place with a lighthouse.
We were going to go into the lighthouse.
It was cloudy, and it was starting to rain a wee bit.
But it was still warm.
It was called Southstack.
Southstack, that's right.
And it was Moorland as well.
So we climbed up a hill.
So we didn't go to the lighthouse, basically,
because you needed cash, and you needed a panel of cash.
But we climbed up the hill.
I think that was better, yeah?
Yeah, it was better, because you got a good view and everything.
Because the lighthouse, you want to take photographs of the lighthouse,
not be at the lighthouse taking photographs.
But it was quite interesting, because apparently,
well, we've got some photos of Moorland inside this kind of lookout bunker thing,
where during World War II,
local people used to go and look out for German U-boats
and German warships.
And raise the alarm.
So they had like a constant guard at these places.
That's why they were there.
Well, then later on,
so after driving back to the bungalow and getting ready,
we then drove out, because we had booked a table at the Ocean's Edge restaurant.
Oh, and by this time, the weather was beautiful.
In Triador Bay, which is 15 minutes up,
along the North Wales Expressway.
So Triador Bay is basically kind of right next to Holyhead.
Yeah, so we went to this really nice restaurant.
What was it called?
Ocean's Edge, right?
Ocean's Edge, yeah.
And yeah, it was...
Great view, isn't it?
It's like almost reminiscent of Majorca,
which we didn't go to.
You know, blue sea, blue sky.
We were sitting in a restaurant and I had pizza,
and Conor had pizza, and mum, you had mussels.
Dad, what did you have?
I had sea bass with chorizo, spinach, and gnocchi.
With sort of two different pestos going on.
It was amazing.
So we had our meal, and then we had dessert,
and I had ginger ice cream and honeycomb ice cream.
I liked the honeycomb.
The ginger was basically just vanilla with a bit of ginger in it,
which they didn't even taste of ginger.
So that was a bit of a disappointment.
And we both had the coconut and dark chocolate sorbet.
That was amazing.
That made up for the fact that because I was driving,
I could only have a small glass of wine.
And then we walked along the beach.
Well, not on the beach, along the promenade.
Yeah, that was just so nice.
It was a lovely little bay, and I would totally go back there.
I wonder what it's like in the winter, or not in the summer.
I was struck by the sudden realisation that every single person
that I could see was an actual living, breathing person
for the whole life.
And times that by every single person on the planet,
and every single person that has been on the planet in all history,
it's like, whoa, that's a lot.
That's a lot of people.
And then we went back to the house, and we sat ups on the deck,
the roof tents.
Oh, yes, we did.
Yeah, we had a drink with some nice clouds going on.
View of Snowdonia.
And then we came back down, and we were going to play games together,
but only two of the switch controllers were working,
so we took it in turns to play.
I played Mario Kart with Conor,
and then I played Spanish Bros with Conor.
And then we looked at some of Conor's...
Me creations, which are hilarious.
Miss Big Lips, who we have discovered is called Karen Big Lips.
And Bacon Hair.
Bacon Hair.
No Hair.
Oh, and Doctor Yes.
And Doctor No.
And Ooo.
Yeah, Ooo.
And Bob.
Bob's been around for a long time.
Bob has also been, yeah.
We're talking about your characters, Conor.
He's gone.
He's sucked into the world of his iPads.
He said he was dying to play games.
Anyway, so that was day five.
Oh, and we watched... Who do you think you are?
We did watch... We watched...
We watched...
Andrew Lloyd Webber.
Andrew Lloyd Webber, that's right.
That was day five.

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