

little spider

on a flower

way back when - when i first began - posting photos, i remember - not even being able - to lay eyes on - someone else’s photo - of a spider let - alone consider the very idea - of posting one myself - and the thought of - approaching a spider in - the garden, any garden - was just inconceivable to me

but over time and - with great encouragement from friends - here i began to make - strides with my appreciation - for the tiny critters - to see they were also - a part of abba’s creation - and suddenly i developed - a tolerance for them - at least the smaller ones - i continue to struggle - with really large ones - but small ones such as this - tiny guy where you - can actually see his - amazing eyes if you look close - it appears as though he’s - looking out at us - doesn’t it - how cool is that - truly it makes it…


happy day…..

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