Art and dance

Another slowish start, complicated by me having to do some proofreading and then getting a call from the carers saying P seemed very out of it and confused again so they’d called the ambulance. I watched via the camera as the paramedics arrived (very swiftly) and checked him over, found some infection markers, and took him to hospital. (Later on I called to track down what had happened and essentially they’ve found he has low blood pressure and a UTI so I expect he’ll be kept in and given IV antibiotics til it clears up. T went down to see him but he was asleep most of the time he was there…still, he’s in the best place for treatment).
We decided to have a look at the Scottish Women Artists exhibition at the Dovecot…very good it was too with a large range on show,
We also checked out the Dazzle jewellery exhibition and S bought some earrings then walked across to the St John’s market (via Sahara where I bought the necklace I’ve been eyeing up for ages). We had a mixed salad lunch at the market then a quick look round but didn’t see anything we were tempted by, then walked and browsed through the town before coming home, by which time it was warm and sunny. We had a cup of tea and watched the first few episodes of Painkillers, the dramatisation of the Oxytocin scandal……so shocking to see how the horror was unleashed on so many people and communities.
Over to meet CR for supper at Umi and we enjoyed trying the various Japanese dishes, especially the miso baked aubergine we’d had before.
Walked from there to see L-E-V dance show. Wow! Incredible strength and intensity of movement, all so synchronised throughout a non stop piece for 55mins. Quite some feat!
Home and straight to bed…..lots to think about!

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