By AMK49

Looking up

We began our day with an early morning walk down to the Kondalilla pools and falls - the bird song in the forest was delightful. This bird although not as colourful as some had a lovely voice - I know it is a common bird and no doubt someone will identify it.

We said farewell to the last of the family and set off on the journey to our final destination in Australia- O’Reilly’s in Lamington National Park. The final stage was a tortuous narrow mountain road so it wasn’t a fast journey but we made it and are looking forward to three nights here.

I couldn’t resist the extra taken from our balcony at 5.30 pm after a beautiful sunset. So glad we have a Mountain View room.
I have booked an early morning bird walk so hopefully will discover something about the local birds and improve my identification of all these “ parrots “ !

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