a mystery creature...

...roaming through the forest

at first i thought i was stalking little bunny fu-fu... saving him from the magpies that were circling the area - swooping down - crying out loudly - in short staccato song - i thought for sure they were going for the kill! but he ran into some rock - then popped his head back out - surprising me - and my camera

i looked twice - realizing - that's no bunny fu-fu... and told him so as well - he didn't move from that spot for minutes - just listened to the sound of my voice - telling him he needed to be more careful - stay in the rocks away from the mag's - and if he could, tell me what he was since i didn't know - but alas, he didn't talk back to me - doesn't matter - he's cute as a bug - in a rug, isn't he? and hopefully one of you will know what kind of mysterious creature he is - so it can be...


happy day.....

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