Around town in the rain

After a couple of lovely sunny days during the week, it looks like we're back to rain for the rest of our life. Ann didn't want to take me anywhere muddy for my walk so she said, 'Trixie, lets go for a walk around town and see how busy it is.'

Apparently during August, when the 'Edinburgh Festival' is on, the population doubles from 488,000 to over 900,000. …..............Apparently the 'rat' population increases too?!! There's been loads of reports on social media about the amount of rubbish in the city centre and the number of rats that have been spotted running about.

Ann normally avoids the city centre during the festival and she would never normally take me anywhere so busy. She thinks walking in amongst crowds must be horrible for us doggies because all we see are hoards and hoards of legs coming towards us. This afternoon though, it was raining, so she thought she would risk it. Mmmmmmm.................... there were still a lot of people about. Though we were pleasantly surprised that the bins didn't seem full to overflowing and we didn't see any rats. Apparently Edinburgh Council have increased their bin collections in the city centre.

Ann waited until there was a break in the number of people trekking about on the Royal Mile (near the castle) and then she quickly took a photo of me so that she could compare it with this one taken of me in Aug 2020 when we were still in the middle of lock down and the Edinburgh Festival had been cancelled.

Oh and if anyone is interested........................... yes, Ann is still writing her book, 'My life in lockdown', but she's not getting on very fast with it. She's a bit too obsessed with getting fit at the moment so seems to be spending all her life walking me, going to the gym, swimming and doing fitness classes.

We walked for about 5 and a half miles which took us almost 2 hours and although I was on my lead for the whole time (and it was horrendously busy on the Royal Mile and surrounding streets)............... what I did like was................. the amount of little titbits that I managed to gobble up. Humans must be very careless when they're eating because there were all sorts of things for me to hoover up. Yum! Yum! No wonder the rat population is increasing!!!

…................And now my human is just trying to work out which fitness classes to book into next week. When she went for her 'one-to-one' personal trainer session last Monday, the instructor said that weight loss was 80% nutrition & 20% exercise. Ha ha, that's probably why she's not getting any fitter or losing any weight. In the next week, she's going to be out eating & drinking for 5 evenings. Oh well, ho hum, socialisation is important and she doesn't want to add 'mental health issues' to her lack of flexibility, strength and balance problems does she?. Lol! Lol! Lol!

Happy Sunday Evening Blippers. xxxxx

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