Happy Hols Day 3

A bit of prolonged detective work was needed today to sort out syncing problems among all four of our devices used to read our Kindle books on…two iPhones and two actual Kindles. Dd will, no doubt, go more deeply into it all but a lot of googling, settings fiddling and a change of wifi location eventually put it all right, and us happy!

I had to do a trial download to test it all worked, so what better than The Night Gate by fellow blipper Peter May. Worked a treat and I am now on chapter two!

The alternative wifi location was/is the Scottish-run The Shack, here in Blanes. No need to ask for vinegar to go with the chips! Home from home!

Their wifi, for some reason, made all the difference! The Kindles just did not jive with that in the hotel!

For our record, I got Covid that lasted a few days.

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