Farmer's Market Finds

The complicated thing about the farmers' market is the fact that one never has enough hands. we bring our own shopping bags, but they are old and floppy and require several hands... two to hold the top of the bag open and one or two to put the items inside. Although we have four hands between us, one is usually occupied holding a cup of coffee and an additional one or two for items from the bakery.  Dana has a beautifully woven basket, but that would be one more thing to juggle...what we need is a good old fashioned grocery cart.

My photo today is a representative sample of some of the things we bought today. In addition to more of what is shown here, we also got a big bouquet of flowers, granola and chocolate walnut espresso cookies, sausages, carne asada and home made tortillas and chicken enchiladas with a hot sauce.

Our own garden is still producing green beans and giant zucchini ( only takes 4 days). There are a few peppers and cucumbers but the tomatoes haven't really recovered from the erratic weather...very cold
spring, hot summer days interspersed with normal for the time of year days. Blake didn't help. Although John put up a fence to keep him out of the veggie boxes, it was too late. He's partial to tomatoes.

Peter has tested positive for Covid and has more or less stayed in his room...seems almost inevitable when traveling anywhere on a plane that someone will get it. So far Dana and Jim are negative . There is supposed to be a new vaccine for the latest variant coming out in November. We will probably be getting an annual Covid shot along with our flu shots.

I hacked off a more manageable chunk of CBD gummy last night and didn't feel groggy this morning...although I did have a moment of thinking I was hallucinating when Spike parked himself with his head on the pillow next to mine and did his best to prevent me from going back to sleep.

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