Picking cloudberries

A busy, but great day. My uncle and I looked through things from my mothers cabin, which has been stored at his place for years. I want to keep some, but I have not so much space for more.
When Julian watched an Arsenal match, my friend, Laila, to me to place to look for cloudberris. As expected we didn't find many, as people often visit this area, but it saved the Christmas Eve dessert ;)
After the match Julian and I drove to Femundsmarka National Park, where some friends of mine have a cabin. Stein picked us up at the lake Femunden. I really enjoy visiting them. There is always something new to see there. Stein is a very creative carpenter, making artistic, small, very special cabins. No water, no electricity, just a peaceful and beautiful place)
On our way back we bought shrimps for the last, late dinner at Røros, this year.

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