
By bigred1977

View from Mt Ainslie

So I've got some good news & bad news for everyone today........
Bad news is that I'm gonna have to start getting up early again cause the good news is I've got a job................... yes you read that right some fool has decided to employ me!!!!!

It is the job that I interviewed for last week at Railcorp, I am getting someone else's cast off job, the person who took it got offered something better.....but do you know what I don't care !!!!!

I start on Monday so heading back through to Sydney on Sunday, fortunately Andrea also has a job to go to in Sydney....... so we both have work in the same place, at the same time!!!!

Anyways, I had quite a few beers last night to celebrate therefore a sore head for me this morning.......

I would like to say a big thank you to everyone out there in Blip Land for all the kind words of encouragement over the last few long months.......& hopefully you won't here me moaning about not having a job any more....from now on I promise to only moan about the bloody job I've got !!!

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