A morning with the wee one then I dropped him off on my way to the optician. It was an expensive appointment as my prescription had changed and I wanted a spare pair without reactive lenses. Just checked my receipt and it looks like she’s put both pairs through without reactives so that’ll be a phone call to make on Monday! £600 plus I won’t see again and that was half price and will probably end up paying more to change the pair to reactive lenses! One is not amused!!

Another trip over to Berwick later this afternoon to deliver an anniversary card I’d forgotten to pick up whilst engineering a small boy out to the car earlier in the day! Six years past Tuesday for their legal nuptials but they class their celebrant nuptials and reception as the real deal. A walk along the prom when I returned home again. It’s been a warm day but the one torrential downpour had to happen as I was walking through Berwick to the opticians, luckily I had a brolly.

The local motorcycle club were having a fundraiser on the Quayside as I headed back over the bridge to where I was parked after the opticians visit.

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