
There were two men on folingboards out on the river again today. I have blipped this before. Now I stopped and talked to the woman who was on the quay and who belonged to the company. It was her husband who had a lesson in folingboarding for the man with the red life jacket.  It is the same man I saw on the previous occasion.

The men lie in the water and rest for a while, because it is tough for the body to stand on the board, especially for the student.

Now comes a long text for those who are curious about how these boards work. Because I asked. OK, so here it is. 
The board has a propeller that drives it forward and it is electric.
You control it with a remote control you have in your hand. 
The person stands on the board.
Leans back a little so that the front end of the board tips up a little. 
And then the air begins to carry up the board. 
The person accelerate with the remote control. 
The board lifts itself up more, the air carries it.
Just how an airplane works. 
If you fall into the water, the engine stops when the remote control enters the water.

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