Sweet dusty-bones

By sweetdustybones

12. Precious Possession

When I was small, my dear Nana used to let me snuggle up in bed with her in the mornings when we went to visit. Mum and Dad would get the rare opportunity for a lie-in, and I would bound downstairs to snuggle in next to Nana. My sister and I would often ask her if we could rummage in her jewellery box. She would slowly bring it over from the dressing table and rest it down among the bedclothes. We would decorate ourselves in her sparkly costume bracelets and clip-on earrings, every now and then asking her if we could keep something. Her usual response was "You can have it when I'm dead". One particular morning, she surprised my little sister and I by pulling out a couple of very, very sparkly bracelets and announcing that they were ours to keep. This little pink beauty is mine. I love it more than ever, and often put it on while I am doing the dusting or tidying up toys. It always brings back precious, treasured memories of my lovely soft-skinned, snuggly morning Nana.

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