Return To Hill of Tarvit Mansionhouse

It is some three weeks since we last volunteered at Hill of Tarvit. I understand that our presence has been missed which is always good to know.

The number of visitors was quite high today and we were kept busy describing the house and family as well as answering the many questions.

Our young visitors are looking for dogs in the house. One is a bronze on a desk and one is a rather fine painting of a retriever in the Billiard Room.

It is very warm in the house to combat the high humidity levels. A conservation method for the collection.

Today’s entry is a portrait of the original Pan Sculpture which greets visitors to the House. It used to be in the rose garden which is now replaced with a replica made by our good Alan Herriot who occasionally features in this diary.

A good day, but a tiring day.

Looking forward to an easy weekend.

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