Itty Bitty...

...jumping spider...

Playing around with the Raynox lens...  I have been looking at diffusers and flashes as I think these will be needed if I want to use the Raynox...

Chaos in the village again for the last day of the UCI events in Stirling.  It was the elite men today so I went out early to do a food shop but already there were a million cars parked along main road.  When I came back my neighbour was in front of me with his Land Cruiser so I was glad to follow him in as cars coming the other way stopped to let him pass through!

I got a message from a client who is a keen cyclist and I realised she was in the village so I popped down to see her and her husband before they toddled off.  I wished them good luck getting out of the village as there was a traffic jam with people thinking the road was open versus traffic trying to go the other way.  Glad to see the police were there directing traffic!

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