Flowers in the Garden

These Black-Eyed Susans are in an area of my garden that I seldom see, but my neighbor enjoys them.

I am feeling scared that Ellie will be going through some difficult times soon. Her mother says she is going to take her back to North Carolina when she goes back. I went over to see them at my son's house today and Ellie whispered to me, "I don't want Mommy to take me away." It broke my heart. I am so worried because her mommy hasn't been able to take care of herself, let alone take care of a child. She was living in a cheap motel where she had trouble every week paying the rent and she doesn't have a job. I don't think she can handle having a child, but we won't be able to stop her from taking Ellie. I am just hoping she realizes she can't do it before someone gives her money to fly her and Ellie there. She always seems to find some guy who will give her money; I can only imagine what she might be telling them. I may erase this ...but I had to tell someone how scared I am for sweet little Ellie. She is scared of the possibility too. Poor little one.

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