Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Friday flower

Did click and collect this week, so my flowers still chosen for me. These sunflowers are full of happiness and sunshine, much needed for today.

Email to the vet to update on Oscar’s situation - no change, still not eating (that’s around a week and a half since a full meal), only eating titbits. Vet called and discussed, no improvement or quality to his days and his heart condition could be fatal at any time, very poor prognosis, so to progress to the next appointment. This is tomorrow :(

I had a work visit lunchtime, supporting a lady to an appointment follow investigations into a lump in her breast. Not good news. :(

Took Oscar on a short walk tonight with Lili, he had to keep stopping to catch his breath/energy but was enjoying being out and sniffing. Lots of cuddles tonight.


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