Walk and talk

The activity for my art class this morning was figure drawing. Three hours of sketching live models (junior summer camp counsellors). The students worked consistently and productively all morning, though I am not sure how much this group enjoyed the experience in comparison to previous groups. 

Lunch, home, and then after a nap, a quick visit to the art studio preparing  for tomorrow's class, until not long after 4pm I went to see Ciğdem and was delighted to find both Anne and Jenny there as well - haven't seen either of them for years. A  lovely surprise to see these 'old' colleagues, and for the next hour or so we four ancient ladies reminisced, updated each other and generally enjoyed a chat, cheesecake and çay (tea) . 

From Ciğdem's home I walked to Bizim Tepe which was a bit of a struggle -  very steep up hill all the way, but fortunately no more than ten minutes of exertion. Already feeling old, arriving at BT where I was meeting Elif, I was glad to sit down with her for a couple of beers and couple of hours of catchup as we haven't been able to find the time for that since I got to Istanbul at the end of June. Updates and gossip thoroughly exchanged, I was home by 8.30 after a very good day, but feeling absolutely cream crackered.

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