
We had a very restless night.  TT was unwell overnight – he blames the fish and chips – although BB and I were absolutely fine.   We took things slowly on Sunday morning.  I started my new book, while TT slept off his lurgy.  We all had a late breakfast/brunch.
It was quite a nice day, and as TT was feeling brighter we drove to Seaton, which is nearby and on the coast.  We planned to park in Axmouth, which is a very pretty wee place, but a lack of parking meant we kept going to Seaton.  We had a lovely wander along the front and then back along to the estuary of the River Axe.  TT was a bit weary, so we stopped for a cuppa, before wandering back to the car.  BB was starving, so we picked up some sandwiches for him to keep him going.  TT kept saying we had been to Seaton before, but I think he was confusing it with Sidmouth.  If my memory serves me right, we had been to the Tesco in Seaton once or twice before, but we had never explored beyond the shop!
TT wanted to cook tonight, probably so he knew exactly what he was eating. While he cooked, I popped out to explore a little of our surroundings.   Later he was still feeling very weary, so he had an early night.  BB watched a movie and I really got into my book (The Marriage portrait).
A nice relaxing start to our holiday.  I do hope TT is feeling much better tomorrow.
We watched this octopus kite, being flown at the beach,  for ages.  It was wonderful to see it swooping about  in the wind.

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