My journey in Pictures

By Ella

Mamhead House...

This is where I have been staying... well in the grounds of the house with my sister who is housekeeper to this private residence...
It is set in hundreds of acres of beautiful woodland and parkland with deer and amazing views over the river Ex.

However, for those who have been wishing me luck with my interview.. this image should have been of champagne - yes ... they have offered me a place on the degree programme..

From September I will be studying Marine and Natural History Photography at Falmouth University - full time for 3 years... it was a good interview and they liked my stuff...

So I am moving back to Kings Lynn in Norfolk on Friday and then Maisy will be off to London and I to Falmouth in September - I just need to sort out funding and find somewhere to live...
And learn to dive - for the underwater marine photography... I cant wait

Pictures of Falmouth here

Thank you to everyone for their good wishes and support.. I guess I may blip some amazing underwater images in the future when I have learnt how...

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