Champagne Breakfast? (don't mind if I do)

The Sun shine for Janet's birthday breakfast this morning, and although this evening's mass balloon ascent at Bristol didn't happen due to high winds we've had a lovely day. 

Charlie and Rory cooked pancakes and a decent bottle of 2001 Pol Roger was ritually sacrificed. Quite pleased with the family shot, as I used timer and manual focus and calculated the depth of field to cover solely the diners and the table.

At lunchtime we three of us (Janet, Charlie and me) rode out to Stinchcombe for lunch at Leaf and Green, a shorter ride than yesterday at only 23km and 290m elevation... but Charlie has fat tyres and  no battery assist and I didn't use mine. Hot work...

Then back home to get Charlie away back to Lisbon via London, and we now look forward to seeing her in September when we hit Lison, Evora and Porto. Duolingo, don't fail me now...

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