Running On Empty

No apologies for using a photo taken at 7.30am yesterday - hardly anything of note has happened since then!
I hadn’t been for a run for ten months, due to a combination of injury (pulled calf muscle, dodgy Achilles tendon and strained knee), illness (two bouts of flu and one of Covid) and weather (either too hot or too wet).
But the day dawned clear - sunny but not too hot - and the hotel we were staying at was right next to one of my favourite 5K routes when we owned a flat in Chester. I was up early and had no aches or pains so set off along the river. By the time I reached the halfway point - where I took the picture - I had basically managed to run 2K and limp another 0.5K - my knee had started aching with a vengeance at anything above walking pace.
This was the furthest point from the hotel, so no option but to get back through a combination of jogging, walking, resting and downright hobbling. Weirdly, my knee stopped aching half an hour after I got back and has not troubled me since. But I think I’ll make sure it’s well strapped up before I try again.
Today has been uncomfortably warm and clammy so not conducive to doing anything strenuous, though I did manage to mow the lawn late afternoon. The rest of the day was spent booking hotels for a couple of weekends away in October, buying tickets for gigs and generally sending, receiving and tidying up emails.
I’m hoping the weather will be fresher tomorrow as we’ve got the rehearsal room booked for three hours. It’s well equipped but it’s also small and lacks ventilation….

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