
By bekaboo

Glass and a half full

Day 156

Pretty non eventful day to report, we were late for school (again), work was smerk (again), nearly forgot to be inspired to blip (again).

Was supposed to mow the front meadow before the neighbours start complaining about me lowering the tone, but we ate egg solders instead for tea. May consider doing it tomorrow, maybes.

I have this big beauty to munch on later once the boy is asleep. I'm ashamed, no strike that, proud to say as a true chocoholic that this is the second such bar to be eaten since Sunday. I blame all that mass marketing / consumption for my gluttonous ways. Well if they're gonna sell it for a mega decent £2 I'm gonna buy 2!

I also blame Dads. Well obviously they're on special offer ready for Father's Day ;)

In other news I'm liking my riot/ punky grrrl / rockin chicks sounds at the mo, particularly fond of these Deap Vally

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