God Damn The Pusher Man

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

I got LAUGHED at when visiting the coffee shop today.

Why? You ask. Why?

I will tell you.

It's because of this free chocolate with your coffee thing. I used to go there and get two free dark mocha truffles. And I'd eat them myself and give them to Fazzy because Caro does NOT like dark chocolate. 
OR truffles.

"YES I DOOOOOO," she howled a couple of months back. 

Fine then.

So I gave Caro the two dark mocha truffles. 

"MMmMMMmmm!!" said she.

Anyway. Things moved on rapidly.  

I discovered Caro had started taking herself there regularly while I was at work and had escalated to TWENTY-FOUR DARK MOCHA TRUFFLES IN A BAG. Every time she visited. 


It's like they got her hooked on the free sample and now she's a full-blown dark mocha junkie.

So today I went in there to get our two coffees plus the two free dark mocha truffles....

"And twenty-four truffles in a bag," insisted Caro.

"I think it's HILARIOUS that she sent you in here to get them for her," said the barista. 

And that is why I got laughed at while visiting the coffee shop today.


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