
Sunday evening my phone rang at 9.30 when an upset daughter called to tell he her boyfriend had cheated on her. They’ve been together about a year and things were going well when she received a message on Sunday morning from a girl she didn’t know telling her what had happened. She was with her boyfriend when the message came through and he didn’t deny it or respond in any way so she gathered her things and left. Poor wee scone had spent the day feeling bad and needed some home comfort so we drove into town to pick her up at the flat. She hasn’t told us too much but will probably talk in a day or so once she’s processed it through.

As she hadn’t eaten anything all day we made a pit stop at the Golden Arches for some junk food which she managed to eat some of. I hoped a good nights sleep would help and she was slightly cheerier when she woke up in the morning.

Took her over to the flat in the afternoon when she’d finished working from home to pick up some clothes and toiletries as she’s going to stay for a few days. As her washing basket was overflowing we brought that too!

Phin enjoyed a walk round Newbattle with me in the morning and a run about at Springfield Mill with Mr PHL in the afternoon.

I made a sausage casserole for dinner with mustard, apple and butter beans. Tasted ok but not a favourite.

Thanks to loulou164 for hosting MonoMonday. Shadows of the wildflowers on the fence (which badly needs painted!).

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