Will and blue skies

Lovely combination.

Worky day, meant to take Daisy to the dentist but they cancelled because their hydraulics had broken and the chairs could not go up and down. Daisy was quite happy.

Next week I am going on an exciting adventure to Romania for work. I haven't travelled with work for years, it all got far too annoying and stressful when Will was a tiny boy, but now he is a much more independent small boy. Anyway, I am quite looking forward to it but today discovered they are having their worst June weather in living memory and it is cloudy and rainy. Just typical!!

Finished all Borgen last night, I enjoyed it hugely and recommend it if you haven't seen it. Just be careful of playing on your phone etc and looking away from the tv while you are watching it. All of a sudden I would realise I could hear all the talking but, not being a Danish speaker, didn't understand a word of it!

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