
By Chops13

Border Lineup

The border between the USA and Canada is friendly, but in order to cross either way, you must be cleared by a customs officer. Waits to clear customs can exceed one hour at peak times.

The process involves showing passports and answering any questions the officer may ask. It may even involve a visual and/or physical check of the vehicle.

However, there is a program that provides an opportunity to be pre-approved. It is a bi-lateral, ‘trusted traveler’ program call NEXUS. On application, both nations do a background check, the USA does an interview and upon approval a card is issued which allows the holder to scan into customs and declare intentions. This is a zero tolerance program whereby one violation of any of the many rules may result in permanent loss of this privilege.

The main benefit of this program can be seen here. A dedicated lane is provided for card holders. This is the start of a long weekend when many want to get away. The ‘regular’ line is almost half a kilometer long, meaning a half hour wait. The NEXUS line is clear almost right to the border ahead. Two cars were ahead, resulting in a one minute wait..more time to get ready for happy hour! Or work on the honey-do list…

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