
Another busy day that started with another disaster….for the first time in years (could I have been distracted?!) I closed the front door without checking I had my keys with me! Luckily A said she’d drop by later with her spare set…phew!
We took a walk down to watch the world championship bike race start as they toiled up the Royal Mile….lots to look at and comment on, including the many support cars from a wider range of countries than I realised we’d taking part.
We followed that with doughnuts and buns then tried to go to a free science magic show but it was full (so we booked for Wednesday instead!), but we gave in to the clamouring for kilts from both AR and Mx….
Gave them an early pizza lunch then home to meet A and drop Higgs the dog back in the flat then we went to see ‘’The Listies’ do a show loosely about music but it was an hour jam packed with kid humour that had all 4 of us in stitches. Very slick, pretty clever and ridiculously funny. Turns out they have lots of podcasts and silly songs online so I can imagine AR and Mx will be wanting those played a lot on the journey home!
Back home for a rest before Mt took AR to see The Lost Lending Library at the international festival and I stayed at home with Mx whilst he played with Lego and we were pleased to miss a rain shower. They both were bowled over by the show….AR was completely transfixed and the set and storytelling superb. Definitely worth going to (Sallymair I was thinking of your older two).
We had supper then I was out for the evening at the First Night at the Hub with the International Festival. Amazing collection of different musicians playing in various combinations in a very relaxed atmosphere, led by Nicky Benedetti who’s clearly lovely her role as Festival Director. The Mongolian throat singer was amazing and the pieces chosen by the others were all really beautiful but what stood out was the sense of fun and friendship between all who performed. The yellow streamers at the end were an appropriately joyful burst!
Saw many of the usual crowd there and nice chats with them all….
A good, largely dry and sunny day.

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