The last day of the Big Butterfly Count

I call this `the approach shot' - the just in case it spots you and takes flight.  This Red Admiral did just that.  I didn't see it again, so no better shot than this.  There were Red Admirals in the garden before the `Count' began and I was reading that there had been a Red Admiral revival across the country, but this was my only sighting during the count.  All of my counts took place in the garden this year (maybe because of the weather).  The one time I ventured out along the field path half way up Mill Moor the weather was too damp and overcast for the butterflies to be out and about - where do they go when it rains?

I'm fairly sure we had a Comma butterfly yesterday, but it too disappeared before it gave me a chance to see the shape of its wings.

So what have I seen during the count:  Large White, Green-veined white, Gatekeepers (6 on one day - my record), Meadow Brown, Comma, Small Tortoiseshell (only one), Small Copper, Red Admiral, Peacock (1)

Other butterflies I saw before the Count began:  Holly Blue, Brimstone, Small-white. There were lots of Speckled Woods in June, but they seemed to go to ground in wet July.  

What else from the day?  
I took the camera out early as I was hanging out my washing, because the light on the thistles seemed interesting (teasel and echinops, which I grow for the insects.  

Then it was the coffee morning and get together in the chapel, where the conversation ended up being about the piece of land behind the chapel which they'd like to rescue for a community space.  There's a meeting about it on the 12th Sept - so I need to keep that in mind.

Julie asked if I'd seen the big fungi just behind the chapel.  I'd looked a few days ago but saw none.  By yesterday there were half a dozen Giant Puffballs  at various stages of growth.  They are edible when young, but I've never tried them.  I'm guessing they are linked to the football sized one that I spotted a couple of years ago - I thought I might find it in my Blipfoto archive but I clearly didn't tag it.

I did try a bit of Gelli-printing late afternoon but not very successfully, I guess I needed to go through that stage again as it's a long time since I've done any.  I can't decide whether to bin them or print over the top.

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