Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

Rust buckets

A neighbor on the way out to the main road sometimes sells older cars on the lot beside his house but I don't think he will have many takers on these old Nash cars.   Just looking at them from the road it appears that it would take all the metal and parts to make one vehicle. I think this is just about as derelict as one can get!   

A  rainy afternoon but the humidity before the rain was awful.  It was 95F (35C) when I drove out to get this photo. A book read and caught up on two episodes of The Lincoln Lawyer and now for some Star Trek.  
Not to mention some Scrabble games online.   Lazy Sunday afternoon...and thankful for leftovers from out lunch out yesterday so I only had to prepare some veggies.   

Hope everyone has a good week!

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