An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

The little white rose of Scotland...

A Jacobean symbol still powerful today.   

Woke at 5am after having a horrible dream that was completely disjointed but involved devils, swarms of bees, hallucinogenic drugs and people being tortured!  No idea where all that came from but I was left with the feelings it evoked for quite a while.

Been in touch with my friend Lin and we are meeting her new Golden Retriever puppy on 16th.  Oooooo puppy cuddles.  Can't wait! :-))

This afternoon I was supposed to start painting a slate tile for Lin's garden but once in the studio the lure of canvas (a small/meduim one) and acrylic paint proved too much and I set about painting a vase of tulips.  Really happy with the underpainting but now that I am half way through not happy.  The usual pattern of self doubt.  

But it's not finished and the purpose of this painting is practice and fun and I've certainly learned a lot from the two hours I spent on it today and I had fun so I can't complain.

Good news on the weather forecast this evening.  Warm front coming in and weather will improve as the week goes on with the best day being Thursday with temperatures of 25 degrees.  I'm meeting friends for lunch on Thursday so might be able to sit outside.  That would be lovely.

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