Going to Seed

Happens to us all.

A few nice things to see in the garden sunshine today but these seed heads really caught my eye.  Leopoldia Comosa, the Tassel Flowered Grape Hyacinth with it's black seeds looking out from the dry pods and beyond the exploding firework that is Allium christophii, also running to seed.

What could have been a quiet day at home became a very bitty day with a bit of too-ing and fro-ing and many interruptions.  I think being tired didn't help but it's been a struggle at times.   Thankfully things worked themselves out by and large and it can be marked a productive day even if I did very little of what I really wanted to be doing.

Some time at Jamie's with Rachel, his PA early doors.  She's used todays hours in cleaning and tidying and will do similar tomorrow.   There was some laundry needing doing, towels including those used to mop up the flood when his boiler leaked, badly stained towels.   Back at mine, where my own laundry had been set in motion earlier, I soaked the offending towels in a hot soapy bucket and used an old Vanish bar on them before putting them through the washing machine.   They went back to his to be tumble dried later.   I did some urgent chores and after lunch did find a bit of time to pot up some of the colchicum bulbs.  Soon it was time to get the dogs out as I was working at Aber Cafe from 530, covering the Sunset Train.   Much food prep before a very busy half hour when the train arrived.  I just beat the train back after we'd cleaned up.

After much uncertainty, Jamie, who is more settled although not feeling wonderful, looks like being discharged tomorrow.  So I'm primed for a trip to Shrewsbury.   It's a lovely scenic drive through the mountains and hills but it's also another four hours on the road, roads which I now know so well I could almost drive them with my eyes shut ..... but I will try and avoid doing that!

An extra of Bella who will be very pleased to have Jamie home again.

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