Aliens alert

I harvested this kohlrabi yesterday not realising the leaves were edible. We ate it tonight, sliced and steamed along with runner beans and potatoes from the allotment. Enjoyed the taste very much. I was give the plants by a fellow plotholder. A great gift.

Thank you for all you wry comments and recipe suggestions for courgettes. I’m going have a go at one suggested by Kipse,

A much better day. We walked to the Market in the Green today to buy sourdough, local bacon and sausages and some rollmops. What an eclectic selection.

This afternoon we went to see Doreen, playing a couple of rounds of beetle drive which she won both. We also showed her the photos of last week’s wedding.

I made some cucumber chutney this evening with our cucumbers. It’s a popular pickle which always goes down well.

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