Flop down!

After my morning walk, Ann went to a Zumba class (it was rubbish) and then she went for a swim. …........And then she was tired, so she lay on the sofa and watched two episodes of 'Queen Charlotte' on Netflix. By the time it came to my afternoon walk she was still tired so she said, 'Trixie, we will go up Blackford Hill in the car and you can take your ball.'

Blackford Hill is a lovely place to play with my ball. I was zooming around all over the place and a silly little black dog attempted to steal my ball. Well, I wasn't having that!! I had to snarl at him because he thought he could join in my game. If I'm playing with my ball I don't want anyone to join in. I just want to play by myself. His owner was very apologetic and said he was a 2 year old old doggie from Romania and he hadn't learnt his manners yet. Ann thought he was really cute. He got captured and put back on his lead because his owner thought he might steal my ball. As if?!  I'm super speedy. However, after about 15 mins I kept having to have little 'flop downs' because I was really tired.

When we got home, Ann attempted to sit on the balcony and read her magazine because it was quite warm..................... but then it started to rain AGAIN! So we came in and she decided to sort out her car insurance, which is due at the end of the month. That made her very, very grumpy!! Her car insurance has gone up from £348 to £501 for absolutely no reason. Why are there no discounts for loyalty? She tried 'talking' to a virtual assistant a couple of days ago to find out why it had increased so much, but Adjash what sort of a name is that? just said that it was the best price they could do. Anyway (after about an hour and a half on 'Go Compare'), it's all sorted now for £344. Yay!!!!

…..............And now it's 6.15pm and the sun has come out again. Maybe we should try sitting on the balcony again? It's 'wine o'clock' for Ann and it's dinner time for me.

Tomorrow, after my morning walk, Ann is booked in to see a personal trainer at the gym for an hour. All part of her 'Summer fitness 2023 plan'. She's been doing loads of exercise for the last 4 months but nothing seems to make her any fitter or thinner?!!!! She says she's destined to be a 'big fat slob'. Will be interesting to see if the 'personal trainer' has any suggestions.


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