
There's a reason for this rubbish photo. Scotland and particularly Glasgow and surrounding areas are hosting the World Cycling Championships. 

I'm a cyclist. I love cycling. I cycled from Yorkshire to Portugal via Italy so there's not much you can tell me about cycling that I don't already know. 
It's a bloody long way and it hurt!

This might be controversial but the way this event has been handled is pretty poor especially road closures and access for local people and I am not sure what it truly brings to the area in spite of the hype.

From my own experiences a work colleague can't get to her home this weekend and a long standing, highly valued trade customer could not get their Friday delivery and those are just two of numerous stories I could tell.

When everyone leaves at the end of next week, the place will still be a shit hole, there will still be huge potholes on the bits that weren't used for the event and the homeless people will still be homeless.

Great job!

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