Busman's holiday

I went to the art studio this afternoon and passed some time playing around with a little sketchbook collage.  It was good to work in peaceful quiet solitude, with no distractions and be totally absorbed by and focussed on the task, even if it is student orientated by way of making an example for class.  By 17.30 I"d reached a point where I need to leave it and meet Sean at Bizim Tepe for a beer and pide (Turkish pizza) and catch up for a couple of hours.

I hardly slept last night (heat) and so was zzz ready very early had taken no photo today other than of my unfinished collage. I always do this at close of play as a record of work done and for comparison with future editions. A sketch book imo, as I tell the students, is a catalogue of practice examples and experimental ideas for reference and further development.

Here endeth the lesson.

ooh the irony of leaving my life of permanent vacation to for a 'holiday' in Istanbul teaching children .....

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