
Every morning after breakfast, we have been allocated chores to help the volunteers who run the retreat centre on Holy Isle. These include chopping vegetables, cleaning toilets and sanding paintwork. I was pleased to be given the task of weeding in the vegetable garden. The hour passed very quickly and pleasantly :-)

After our morning sessions and a lovely lunch, I headed out on a solitary expedition to the very top of the island, returning by the path which passes St Molaises’s cave and the Tibetan rock paintings. I was back in time for supper and then went to experience the Chenrezig puja, prayers chanted in the Tibetan language. I didn’t understand the words but I envisaged love and compassion spreading out from the small shrine room to the whole world. When I researched Chenrezig later, I discovered that he is indeed a deity who embodies profound compassion.

Our evening session was all about meditation in different faith traditions and so I approach bedtime feeling very calm…

Extras show the top of the island, and one of the rock paintings (white Tara)

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