
Not my photo, but this is Mollie, enjoying activities on her holiday in Tunisia, although she’s not keen on the food, apparently there’s no chips!

Becca came in today, literally just a chat, and she brought home made cakes and a box of the biggest, juiciest cherries I’ve ever had! We chatted for over an hour, and it was good to see her looking so much better than she did a few weeks ago. 

Liam has gone to Sophie’s this evening. He’s talking about going back to getting a room! Seems daft to me, but it’s fair to say that I have slipped into our joint living arrangement much better than he has. I am loving just having him here, although he spends the evenings in his room, it’s just nice knowing he’s there. Coming home to a not empty house is also nice, and I even cooked yesterday! But, he clearly doesn’t like village life, no just popping out to a shop or a friend’s and he’s an hours drive from the area he calls ‘home’. I hope he can stick it out, so that he can get a small flat rather than a room, but que sera and all that. Dog is also getting better with him, not wonderful, but better! I had hoped to be able to leave him with Liam in a couple of weeks, to visit my brother overnight, but not sure that Liam will even be here, so if I do go it will be more of a last minute plan.

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