Camping Breakfast

Kathy and I slept in a bit after quite a late night "partying".

The 15th Annual Prineville Reservoir State Park Stargazer Party was a huge success.

There were 12 telescopes with well over 100 people ogling the celestial bodies until after midnight.

We observed Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter, as well as some important galaxies, but the most amazing sight was Saturn in all its glory with its rings stylishly tilted and four of the moons proudly visible.

Kathy and I were enthralled by face Saturn presented and after getting our chance to peek through the telescope, we immediately got back into line for another chance.

We learned that seeing Mercury was quite special too as one of the astronomers told me fewer than 5% of the people in the world have seen it.

Apparently one needs very good viewing conditions as Mercury is quite elusive and usually is quite low on the horizon when visible.

The sense of wonder and the camaraderie shared by the stargazers was truly delightful.

We went to bed excited and happy as two little kids in Disneyland.

We plan a long lazy day after our sumptuous breakfast.

Walking, reading, playing board games, animal watching, people watching, napping and eating more good food are on the agenda.


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