More reorganising

I've moved my desk from the sewing room to the book room.  W provided invaluable assistance by attaching a shelf to the wall for the computer base unit, and an extension lead from the high sockets (for the TV which appears to have been an essential wall decoration in every room in this house!)

There's still room for the exercise bike, and the room will still work as an occasional bedroom.

We've also moved some "coffee table books" downstairs - though they are currently stacked up on the dining room table. We don't have a coffee table, but there's space for them in a cupboard in the garden room. And taking them out of the book room makes space for me to use a shelf for "office essentials".

We're finding the garden room quite changed after removing the curtains.  Feels bigger, but a little cold.  We can't reverse the changes, as the curtains and poles were collected this evening.  I'm sure we'll get used to it - I'm enjoying a better view of the bird feeder from my chair.

We've also doubled our battery capacity today.  The electrician seems to be fairly typical of the laconic Irish attitude to jobs.  "I'll try to do it this week, will let you know" he said at the beginning of the week, and then turned up at the gate at about 1030 with no prewarning!  

But W utilised the available young muscles to get help in moving the heavy table saw from the garage into the workshop.  K (our electrician) told us we were becoming Irish - farmers in particular are noted to say "can you just....." as he was packing up from the job he was employed for, and finding extra jobs!

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