
It's now 14C and lashing and the start of the Bank holiday weekend so all as it should be! The marquee in the Tin Pub gardens is getting a bashing as the wind gathers momentum and the crowds will soon be gathering in their summer finery for the Quiz, hosted by Graham Norton! We have been a few times but can no longer cope with the noise levels and sweatiness! 

However, this morning was good and we had adventures. I was invited to go and examine a well on the outskirts of Skibbereen. S was originally from the North and had retired down here and made it his mission to develop what was a wild bit of land. In doing so he uncovered a well - but perhaps more importantly made the most gorgeous garden, swooping down to a little stream and then curving up onto the hillside. He had bridges and wildflowers - and the well, seen here with its blessed frog! I don't think it is holy but it is very interesting. 

Then we went on to Skib to deliver more books - the first lot having gone. Even more thrilling they paid me there and then! We then just happened to come down Coppingers Lane, the first of Skibbereen's many alleys ways to be muralised. yes, I've just made up that word.  A fantastic job,  rather beautiful if sobering images of Skibbereen during the famine, taken from contemporary drawings.

On to Schull, a large ciabatta sandwich al fresco, a caramel ice cream and yet more book deliveries. All good.

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