
Went food shopping in Marks this morning and was delighted to see greengages. They're seasonal and some people think they will be a bit sour as they're green but they are actually very sweet and I love them. I've only ever seen them in Marks and they're not there long so I stocked up. Drove home over the hill road admiring  the rosebay willowherb but didn't take a photo.. Later in the day when I remembered i needed a blip  I wished I had  but there's plenty around so I went up to Strath and was spoiled for choice.There are so many local names for it. In Clydebank it was known as Singerweed because it grew in the ruins after the Singer Sewing Machine Factory was bombed  in World War 2. The haiku I've included is one I wrote ages ago.

Rosebay rockets rise
Trailing herringbone ladders
Up into the blue.

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