
Despite the atrocious weather, we received a visit from at least a dozen Blue Tits this morning. Firstly flitting around the front garden - where I snapped the rather bedraggled one sitting in the Hydrangea - and then into the back, where the feeders are. I think they like the fact that there is a tree next to the feeders so they can shelter/hide there before venturing out for some food.
There didn’t seem to be any squabbling between them, despite there being up to three at a time on the peanut feeder. Though I like to think there is a bit of a hard stare being exchanged in the top left image!
Absolutely fascinating to watch and we were able to enjoy their antics for several minutes before they all flew off, disappearing as quickly as they had arrived.
The rest of the day - supermarket shopping and a visit to the gym - seemed a little “ordinary” after watching our feathered friends having their breakfast. I wonder if they’ll return tomorrow?

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