Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Half Man Half Keyboard

One of the disadvantages of my job is the endless minute taking, which today hit new heights (or lows). So much so in fact that I think I am becoming (WARNING - STAR TREK REFERENCE AHEAD) nothing more than a Borg - half man half machine.

My middle name is Qwerty.

Today I spent about five and a half hours at it, or more like seven if you include turning the first drafts into something fit for internal consumption.

Other than that, not a lo to say about today other than that I am on the last hour of my marathon audio book of the Barchester Chronicles. The death of one character did, I must confess, have me and the Archdeacon dancing with joy ... Also had a much better day on the fatigue front with only a dip this morning which i got through.

It's not true about Qwerty. Actually, and honestly, I don't have a middle name.

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