New do

Felt more like Autumn than summer this morning, damp and drizzly. Took Phin to daycare after his breakfast and he was very excited in the car. He’s missed 3 weeks and was obviously keen to see his doggy friends!

Met two of my fellow dog walking chins when they were dropping off their dogs and we had a good 5 minutes chat which culminated in a plan for them to come to mine a week on Thursday for a glass or two of wine and a chat. Very much looking forward to getting to know them better.

Made a few edging squares for my temperature blanket which the washing was doing its thing in the machine. Had to hang it up indoors as it wouldn’t have dried outside for ages.

Headed into town after lunch to pick up a brochure for the Edinburgh Fringe en route to my hair appointment. I used the time my colour takes to set to look through it and mark shows which might be interesting. There’s quite a few but if we follow the way of the last few years, we’ll not get round to seeing anything!

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