Elephants at Highgrove

Janet had an early birthday present, with a tour and tea wander around Highgrove gardens (King Charles's country pad) courtesy of Sheol and Cathy. The four of us had the most delightful time even though the weather was, well... what it's been mostly this summer... dampish.

Sheol and I had a brief online chat discussing which lenses to take, but when we got there we learned there was no photography in the gardens (and lots of police hidden in the trees watching us just in case...) ;-)

The gardens were gorgeous, and reflected the love of the prince-as-was for organic gardening and aesthetic structure. I could have wandered around there for days. After the tour we retired to the cafe for cream teas (or in my case delicious melted cheese scones). 

Outside the cafe we were allowed a few pics of the elephants; made, if I recall correctly, from Lantana Camara stalks

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