Living my dream

By Mima


There were more gale force winds in the night; this time from the southwest, rather than yesterday's blasts which were nor'westerlies.

This feijoa bush was a casualty. It snapped off at ground level which is unusual, although it was pretty top heavy with all its foliage. Happily only one of the four bushes bit the dust, but typically this one bore the most numerous and the largest fruit. 

I'll replace it in spring.

The temperature has dived to a chilly 5C thanks to the new wind direction. And the wind-chill has taken it to near freezing. It's a day for merino underclothes, a scarf, gloves, a beanie and big coat when venturing outside. And for the potbelly stove to be burning merrily in the cosy study. 

Guess where Bean is?

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